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Non-Degree Enrollment

Tuition & Fees

Non-degree students pay tuition for credit courses at a per-credit rate. The rate is different for courses numbered 100–499 and for those numbered 500 and above.

2023–2024 Rates

These rates are for the 2023–2024 academic year (autumn quarter 2023 through summer quarter 2024) and are subject to change without notice.

Courses Numbered 100–499

Credits Tuition Tech Fee Reg Fee Total Cost
1 $384 $4 $55 $443
2 $768 $4 $55 $827
3 $1,152 $7 $55 $1,214
4 $1,536 $9 $55 $1,600
5 $1,920 $11 $55 $1,986
6 $2,304 $13 $55 $2,372
7 $2,688 $15 $55 $2,758
8 $3,072 $18 $55 $3,145
9 $3,456  $20 $55 $3,531
10 $3,840 $22 $55 $3,917

Courses Numbered 500 & Above

Credits Tuition Tech Fee Reg Fee Total Cost
1 $955 $6 $55 $1,016
2 $1,910 $6 $55 $1,971
3 $2,865 $9 $55 $2,929
4 $3,820  $13 $55 $3,888
5 $4,775 $16 $55 $4,846
6 $5,730 $19 $55 $5,804
7 $6,685 $22 $55 $6,762
8 $7,640 $22 $55 $7,717
9 $8,595 $22 $55 $8,672
10 $9,550 $22 $55 $9,627

2024–2025 Rates

These rates are for the 2024–2025 academic year (autumn quarter 2024 through summer quarter 2025) and are subject to change without notice.

Courses Numbered 100–499

Credits Tuition Tech Fee Reg Fee Total Cost
1 $394 $5 $55 $454
2 $788 $5 $55 $848
3 $1,182 $8 $55 $1,245
4 $1,576 $11 $55 $1,642
5 $1,970 $13 $55 $2,038
6 $2,364 $16 $55 $2,435
7 $2,758 $19 $55 $2,832
8 $3,152 $22 $55 $3,229
9 $3,546  $24 $55 $3,625
10 $3,940 $27 $55 $4,022

Courses Numbered 500 & Above

Credits Tuition Tech Fee Reg Fee Total Cost
1 $984 $8 $55 $1,047
2 $1,968 $8 $55 $2,031
3 $2,952 $12 $55 $3,019
4 $3,936 $15 $55 $4,006
5 $4,920 $19 $55 $4,994
6 $5,904 $23 $55 $5,984
7 $6,888 $27 $55 $6,970
8 $7,872 $27 $55 $7,954
9 $8,856 $27 $55 $8,938
10 $9,840 $27 $55 $9,922

Types of Fees

Registration Fee

You pay a nonrefundable $55 registration fee each quarter you register.

Technology Fee

The technology fee funds technology resources for students at the UW, including computer labs, software and cloud storage.

The technology fee is based on the number of credits you are registered for. It ranges from $4 to $22 per quarter for the 2023–24 academic year and from $5 to $27 per quarter for the 2024–25 academic year. You’re assessed the technology fee whether or not the course you’re taking uses technology resources.

Additional Course-Related Fees

Some credit courses may have additional fees, such as lab fees, that are charged by departments and billed separately by the University. See "Tuition Statement" on MyUW for fee totals.

Many courses require textbooks, software or other course materials. The cost of these materials is extra. Your required course materials will be listed with other course information on MyUW.

Late Registration Fee

If you register on or after the first day of the quarter, you’ll pay a nonrefundable $25 late fee in addition to the registration fee. Some academic departments require that non-degree students wait to be registered until after the first day of the quarter, when the $25 late fee is assessed. If that’s the case, contact the appropriate department to ask about waiving the late fee; waivers are granted at the department‘s discretion.  

Course Status Change Fee

A nonrefundable $20 fee is charged for each course transfer or status change after the first week of the quarter, including single course drops.

Application Fee (GNM Students)

When you apply for graduate nonmatriculated status, you pay a $75 application fee.

Tuition Notes

  • Undergraduate nonmatriculated (NM) students enrolled in autumn, winter or spring quarters are charged tuition and fees on a per-credit basis. The rates are calculated annually by Continuum College based on resident nonmatriculated rates published by the UW Office of Planning & Budgeting (OPB). 
  • Graduate nonmatriculated (GNM) students are charged tuition and fees on a per-credit basis. These rates are calculated annually by Continuum College based on resident graduate tier III rates published by OPB, though some components listed on the OPB site for resident graduate tier III tuition may not apply to GNM students.
  • For summer quarter, undergraduate NM students pay the rates on the Summer Sessions site, which are also based on the University's rates published on the OPB website. 
  • Tuition does not cap out at any certain number of credits; you pay the per-credit rate shown in the tables above regardless of the number of credits taken.
  • If you take both a credit course numbered 100–499 and a credit course numbered 500 and above in the same quarter, you will be charged the higher 500-and-above fee for both courses.
  • The above rates are for tuition-based credit courses on the Seattle campus only: fee-based courses offered through UW Professional & Continuing Education/Continuum College and listed on the PCE Time Schedule may charge a higher cost-per-credit rate.

Tax Credits & Deductions

The U.S. tax code offers tax credits and deductions to reduce the federal income tax burden for students or those paying the costs of a student’s higher education. Tax credits directly reduce the amount of income tax owed, while deductions reduce a person’s taxable income.

Lifetime Learning Credit

You may be eligible to claim tuition and related expenses as a tax credit under the Lifetime Learning Credit program. For more information, see the Lifetime Learning Credit page on the IRS website.